Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sour Cream Coffee Cake!!

If you’re looking for an out-of-this-world, above and beyond coffee cake, you’ve come to the right post.

I don’t recommend making this cake if you are already hungry, because the smell that wafts from the oven is so sinfully delicious that it might make you want to lick the oven door.

Coffee cakes are instantly recognizable by their streusel topping ('streusel' is German for 'sprinkle') made from a delicious mixture of sugar, flour, and spices to which nuts and oats are often added.

This Coffee Cake Recipe starts with a batter that does use sour cream but is more tender in taste and texture because it contains cake flour instead of all purpose flour. The use of cake flour gives a lighter, less-dense texture to the cake . Then, the streusel mixture is made with brown sugar, lots of toasted nuts, chocolate chips and cinnamon and is used to both fill and top the cake. Try serving this cake while it is still warm from the oven with a dollop of softly whipped cream or even vanilla ice cream. You won't be disappointed.

Here's the recipe for you:

Yield: 8 to 10 Servings

For the cake you will need:

12 tablespoons (1½ sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
1½ cups granulated sugar
3 extra-large eggs at room temperature
1½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1¼ cups sour cream
2½ cups cake flour (not self-rising)
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
For the streusel:
¼ cup light brown sugar packed
½ cup all-purpose flour
1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons cold unsalted butter
¾ cup chopped walnuts, optional


Preheat the oven to 350° F. Grease and flour a 10-inch tube pan or cake pan.
Cream the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment for 4 to 5 minutes, until light.

Add the eggs 1 at a time, then add the vanilla and sour cream.

In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

With the mixer on low, add the flour mixture to the batter until just combined. Finish stirring with a spatula to be sure the batter is completely mixed.

For the streusel, place the brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and butter in a bowl and pinch together with your fingers until it forms a crumble.

Mix in the walnuts, if desired.

Spoon half the batter into the pan and spread it out with a knife.

Sprinkle with 3/4 cup streusel.

Spoon the rest of the batter in the pan, spread it out, and scatter the remaining streusel on top.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until a cake tester comes out clean.

Let cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes.

You can also use maple syrup and confectioner sugar for glaze if you want. But i like to keep it plain.

This is the recipe for the week......hope you enjoyed the making!!


Pavithra Elangovan said...

Wow reading the introduction itself i am able to imagine how will be the taste.. really seeing this i am very much tempted and I have bookmarked it too. Sure i will try it out.. all the pictures of the cake is looking gorgeous and the seeing the cutted one really feel it grabbing out. SO good recipe and lovely post and intro.

Ashrita said...

Oh God... This looks absolutely yummy! Will try it out! I'm gonna make Monster cookies tomorrow too! :D

Urmi said...

Thank you very much for your sweet compliment.
You are specialized in making different types of cake and its my favourite.I love your blog so much that I cannot express you in words.Your blog is one of the best with beautiful presentation and pictures.Really its mouth watering.Feel like having this delicious and yummy coffee cake right now.

ARUNA said...

thanq Pavithra, glad u liked it dear.....but coming to pics, no one can beat u...ha ha!

ARUNA said...

hey Ash, good to c u again.......hmmm cookies, r u posting them by any chance????

ARUNA said...

hey thanq for ur sweet words too Babli....ab mein aaraam se soongi.....hehe!

Suparna said...

hi aruna,
handsomely decorated cake! coffee flavour

Saritha said...

Lovely cake aruna,never tasted coffee cake.As always yummyyyyyy

Pooja said...

yummy Aruna..Can i grab that piece of cake..looking lovely...

Vinay said...

शुक्रिया, लाजवाब रेस्पी है! हमारे मुँह में तो अभी से पानी आ रहा है!

Lena Jayadev said...

Aruna..its looking absolutely sad dat im nt getting it.. :(
im sure it was a hit in your family.. :)

A l a i n said...

Quite outstanding!!! your shot

Hari Chandana P said...

lovely flavour.. u have a gud job.. :)

Donna-FFW said...

Aruna- This coffee cake looks and sounds absolutely delicious, and I love the way you presented it. Just gorgeous!!

Arv said...

I will just have the cake :P

I may be in the windy city around 20th :)

take care... cheers...

Vishali said...

that looks so tempting dear! love it :)

Anonymous said...

That looks scrumptious and like a cake I can do. Thanks! I will try this recipe.

What are the round things on top of and around the finished cake?

Nandinis food said...

Ooh! Coffee cake! Never tasted it! It's so lovely! Cool decoration!

Unknown said...

Am first here....and liked ur blog...
A chocolate named "the temptations" was ma fav once..
thanks for sharing....i wll pass this to ma mom...

Gita Jaishankar said... are such an expert with cakes...thats one lovely cake. It making me hungry now :)

Christo Gonzales said...

sweet, caffiene and chocolate - looks like a home run!

Vrinda said...

Wow Aruna...that cake looks so tempting..would be perfect with a cup of tea...

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the wonderful aroma of this cake when it's baking! How delicious!

Priyameena said...

streusel is very new to new...thanks for introducing...Adding streusel is really a kick to the cake..Nicely baked..

ARUNA said...

hey thanq Suparna!

ARUNA said...

thanks Saritha, yeah this was v flavorful!

ARUNA said...

sure Pooja, take how mauch ever u want :))

ARUNA said...

vinay aapke meethey se tipanni ke liye shukriya!

ARUNA said...

Hi Lena, yeah even i wish i can pass a piece to all.....but yes whoever ate in my family liked it, and that wud b my husband :)

ARUNA said...

thanks Siam. thanq for your comment.

ARUNA said...

Hari chandana: thanq for visiting me.

ARUNA said...

thanks Donna, glad u liked it!!!

ARUNA said...

ok Arv, you may have the cake...good to know u will b visiting this place soon!

ARUNA said...

thankq Vishali, u dont want a piece??

ARUNA said...

Dedene, thanks for your comment......the round things r just raisins covered with chocolate.

ARUNA said...

thanq Nandini, just give it a try!!!

ARUNA said...

Ifthikhar, thanq for visiting me....hey temptations chocolate was my favourite too, and i loved that name, so kept the same name for my blog too!

ARUNA said...

ha ha ha thanks Gita, i wish i cud do something abt ur hunger!

ARUNA said...

doggybloggy.......3-in-1 is bad or good!!!! I say it is good.

ARUNA said...

hi Vrinda.....i never tried it with tea but i eat it as a dessert after my dinner!!

ARUNA said...

thanks Natasha, yeah the aroma is simply unbelievable n tempting!!!

NR said...

hey hii Aruna,

looks really nice and delicious...but seems a but is it easy to make like the previous recipes!!!

take care!!

ARUNA said...

yes priyameena,the speciality of this cake is only the streusel and it tastes great!!!

ARUNA said...

hi Nazish, it is definetely easy to make this recipe....if u can make a marble cake, u can make any other cake!!

Anya said...

Its realy my tast ^___^

Mangala Bhat said...

wow! Aruna .,.what a lovely treat !Thanks for sharing such a hevenly delight :)

ARUNA said...

thanq Anya.....i hope kareltje also will like this if he is allowed to eat it!

ARUNA said...

thanq Mangala, just give this cake a try....u wud want to make it often!

NR said...!!!

then i think i should give it a try!!!!

Pooja said...

That is an awesome cake Aruna! The title of your blog goes well with the posts..each and every post is so tempting!! The writeup and shot was enough to allure me!

ARUNA said...

ha ha thanks Pooja.....tht was very sweet of u and a very nice compliment!

Dhanya Ganesh said...

Lovely Coffee Cake dear. Luved the way you arranged the chocolate balls around the cake. Pls parcel me some of this delicious goodies:)

Padma said...

Looks very delicious Aruna ... very good presentation :)

Deepthi Shankar said...

thatz a yummy cake Aruna ... I love the flavor

Chef Jeena said...

This looks really tasty Aruna I would love a slice. :-)

Ramya Vijaykumar said...

Nicely decorated soft and fluffy cake here!!! wish I could have a bite now!!!

ARUNA said...

hi Dhanya, thanq so much yaar.....i wish i cud parcel you some, seriously!!!!

ARUNA said...

thankq Padma, glad u feel that way!!!

ARUNA said...

thanq Deesha, yeah it has a different flavour and even i loved it!

ARUNA said...

thanq Jeena, i will give u a slice only if u agree to pass on the whole fruit flan!!!

ARUNA said...

hey Ramya thanks dear....u can definetely haveas many bites u want if u come over here, wat say!!!!

kittymatti said...

this looks excellent!

SJ said...

WOW!!! That looks amazing! I usually use streusel to top my muffins!! They are good no?

Uma said...

you definitely know how to tempt us with your yummy creations. This cake is pure temptation and your description makes it most wanted :) Looks lovely and yummy Aruna!

Lavanya said...

yummy cake aruna....nice pics too :)

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

Yummy cake... Sinful I would say - so good!

ARUNA said...

thanks Priti!

ARUNA said...

SJ Streusel on muffins is a great idea.....i'm sure they will taste very good!!!!!

ARUNA said...

thanq Uma, ur comment is tempting too.....glad u liked it!

ARUNA said...

thanks Lavanya!

ARUNA said...

home cooked oriya food: thanks yaa.

Anonymous said...

i dont have an oven.. so dint have the option to lick the oven door..

instead licked the computer display screen..

i have dust in my tongue now

ARUNA said...

ha ha ha Chriz boy u r funnny!!!!

Renus Kitchen said...

the cake looks yummy

sangeeta said...

i can imagine the aroma with coffe n sour cream in it.........liked your introduction of the recipe .......licking the oven door......haaa.....
the cake looks perfect.

Parita said...

Delicious coffee the clicks..would love to take a BIG bite:)

"MIRACLE" said...

aapke blog par aakar to man sweet-sweet ho jata hai.aapka aur maera naam milta julta hai.aap ARUNA hai to mai ARUN misra hun. achcha lagta hai ki aap miracle par dastak deti rehti hai.

Anonymous said...

Woooooohhh. Looks so deliouso.. Your hus is really lucky!:P

FooFii said...


i need you to visit my blog and give your opinion about posting something please <3 i'll be grateful for that

Vikis Kitchen said...

Sour cream coffee cake has come out so perfect and gorgeous. want to have it NOW:)

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Your cake looks very good. I like the crisp crust that streusel gives cakes.

Unknown said...

nice coffee cake aruna looks so moist and delicious like the coffee flavor.

ARUNA said...

hey thanks Renu!

Kalai said...

Cake looks moist and mouth-watering.

ARUNA said...

thanq Sangeeta, yeah wanted to sound it interesting, so played with words!!!

R. Ramesh said...

a diehard coffee addict, i naturally enjoyed the post..a pat from sharjah for yr excellent presentation.. do stay connected friend

ARUNA said...

Parita, take the whole cake dear!

ARUNA said...

Arun ji aapka comment padhkar bhi mann meetha ho jaata hai!

ARUNA said...

Princess i don't know if he's lucky or not but he surely thinks this is my conspiracy to make him gain more!!!

ARUNA said...

cherrimuffin, thanq dear.....i will visit ur blog shortly!

ARUNA said...

thanks Viki, yeah i will pass on some to u soon!

ARUNA said...

hi Aparna, yeah streusel definetely adds more taste to the cake!

ARUNA said...

thanks Rekha and yeah it does add great flavor!

ARUNA said...

thanks Kalai!

Rush said...

pretty enticing i must say..i love the chocolate balls u decorated it with!!

hey, i just added my door county blog in the TRAVEL section, its on the top of my blog..check it out, if u are interested!

Usha said...

Aruna, I absolutely loved the sound of this cake and I loved the idea of using sour cream in a cake ! Definitely a must try recipe :-)

Sakshi said...

me dead and in heaven right now after seeing ur cake and I did the mistake of reading your blog when am all hungry and back from a boring what can I lick I wonder???
The cake is so awesome...U r the cake queen haan? No wonder Andy is telling me to take tips from you to gain weight...ha and I can't bake a decent cake to save myself

ARUNA said...

thanq Ramesh......i'm a diehard coffee fan too!

ARUNA said...

Rush, ur door county clicks r just amazing dear!!!

ARUNA said...

yes Usha, sour cream and streusel gives a great flavour to this cake!

ARUNA said...

haha Sakshi yeah i read Andy's comment in ur orkut....hai ram nazar naa lagey mujhe,yeh Andy bhi na, sometimes he gives good ideas wat u say, no tips by the fat transfer!!

Priya Suresh said...

WOwwwwww Aruna, am speechless...wt a gorgeous drooling rite now here...wat a beautiful cake yaar!

ARUNA said...

thanks Priya......glad u liked it!

PurpleHeart said...

have never tried a coffee cake. Tempting as always ! :)

ARUNA said...

yeah u shd definetely give it a try then purpleheart!!!

RAJ SINH said...



Rachel said...

This is what I would call a sinful delight!

Doloncookbook said...

This is my all time favourite .. Looks so delicios & yummy ...
Can I have one piece plz....

ARUNA said...

Thanks for visiting me Rachel!

ARUNA said...

Raj ji, tht's ok if u cannot bake, bas aap tasveer dekhke mazey lootiye.......aapko pasand aaye, itna kaafi hai mere liye! Aur Tadaka mein koi naya post nahin ab tak!!!

ARUNA said...

hi Dolon, yeah my favourite more pieces left, so sorry:((

ARUNA said...

thanks Vincent, will do that!!!

Ann said...

OMG! you tellin me not to make it when I'm hungry! who can control temptation after looking at this pic! So moist and looks totally fabulous. I love all your recipe.
Okay..I'm off to check rest of your recipes.

ARUNA said...

ha ha yeah Ann and i gave valid explanation also for that statement!!!!

raji said...

Hmmm..I better login to an online dctionary, before peeping into your new post in search of words that can praise your baking skills n photography skills. No words can match ur 'PRESENTATTION-EXCELLENCE'.my son aravind, is asking for a piece, after looking at ur cake.I believe, that speaks an infinite words of appreciation.

ARUNA said...

ha ha ha Raji that was so sweet of u, glad u think that way....thanq for the motivating words n appreciation yaar! I wish i cud send the cake to the lil one!!!

Ammu said...

Wow! cake looks fluffy & soft. Feel like having a bite.

FH said...

Thanks Aruna. Yes, it was wonderful to be in India after so many yrs, wish I had wings too. 19hrs of sitting in planes are really torturous! :D

have a fun Summer, see you in Fall.

ARUNA said...

thanq Ammu......!

ARUNA said...

Good to know Asha.....again taking a break!!!

Indian Khana said...

Wow...that is real making me drool and am so glad that my nephew is sleeping now ...if he see this then will eat my brain like anything...wonderful dear

ARUNA said...

ha ha ha well said Priti!

Razzer said...

yo tasty as ever...lookwise. Take a chef's place somehwere da.

anudivya said...

Yeah, I would definitely not making this when I am hungry! It would totally tempt me to eat the whole thing. Looks great.

Femin Susan said...

handsomely decorated cake! yummm...Thanks for sharing....

lubnakarim06 said...

Oh wow adorable and awesome cake..looks soft and yum....Love the flavour...

Unknown said...

Just pretty! AM too tempted to make this!

Chef E said...

I would like a piece of this and a cup of chai please :) You are the temptress of desserts, how does anyone of your family or friends stay slim in the part of the states?

You know we will meet one day, I know several people who are where you live, and my son is in St Louis, so I will be making that trip in May, and yes, I am a planner :O) Have a nice weekend sweetie!

Premyscakes said...

Hey that looks COOL!!!!! would be perfect to have with evening tea or coffee.

जयंत - समर शेष said...

I am so late in coming here!!!!!!!!
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kuchh bachaa yaa sab khatam?

"I don’t recommend making this cake if you are already hungry..."
Good wanring, but too late. I am always hungry (specially for your recipe) and this will not work for me, I am sure.

I am looking forward to trying it.

BTW: I did not see your updates for sometime, so that is why I was missing your new and deadly (for stomach) dishes..

Thanks Arunaa Ji!!!


ARUNA said...

Anand pls let me know if u know any place which is offering a 6 digit salary for a chef, ok high 5 digit bhi chalega!

ARUNA said...

thanks Anu, yeah u shd never make that!

ARUNA said...

Susan, thanq and glad u liked it!

ARUNA said...

kitchen flavours: thanq for the nice comment.

ARUNA said...

Divya, pls try and lemme know the feedback!

ARUNA said...

Elizabeth, i'm so excited to c u.......let me know when u r coming!

ARUNA said...

premy: thanq for ur will b perfect dessert after lunch or dinner.

जयंत - समर शेष said...

Aruna Ji,

Thanks for liking my poetry...
You are really Aruna for me. Without your support there will be no lights in my blog!!!

Thanks a million times.


Taste of My Life said... favourite!

bunga raya said...

hi aruna,
handsomely decorated cake! coffee flavour
nice blog

The Eye said...


A good baker...!

वन्दना अवस्थी दुबे said...

hi aruna,
lambe pravaas par se door.aaj hi louti hoon, to aapki shaandaar post dikhai di.laajawaab hai yaar.

Nithya Praveen said...

Oh My God...this looks great.I never thot coffee cake cud be made at home so easily,i meant i assumed the ingredients gona be a challenge,....this is an interesting one....thanks for sharing.Bookmarked!

Me & More ... said...

Hmm... cake looks nice,can I hav it...and you have a nice blog... too.Great....

Unknown said...

That's simply irresistible temptation. Mouth watering post.

Vijitha said...

Hi Aruna
First time here.
Yummy post! looks so good.

ARUNA said...

jayant ji, thanks for a sweet compliment!

ARUNA said...

Taste of my life: thanq, coffee is my favourite too!!!

ARUNA said...

bunga raya: thanq for the comment.

ARUNA said...

The eye: thanks much!!! Keep visiting!

ARUNA said...

Hi Vandanaji, haan mein bhi sochrahi thi ki bahut din ho gaye aapko dekhey!

ARUNA said...

Hey Nithya, its very easy to make sounds complicated but trust me its not!!!

ARUNA said...

Pinky, thanks for visiting me, u have a nice blog too!

ARUNA said...

T and S: THANQ and ur photography is simply mind-blowing!!

ARUNA said...

Vij: Thanq dear, welcome to my blog...keep visiting!

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

Blessings....the cake looks good. I have never had anything coffee as I am not in love with the stuff. It is a feast for the eyes though.

Renuka said...

wow...lovely cake...craving for a bite of those rich cofee cake...

Angie's Recipes said...

Sweet temptation.....looks really yummy.

Yasmeen said...

Totally addictive, the streusel topping:)

Humaira said...

Hi Aruna, First time on your blog.Its the cake is so awesome. I need to start making some of these on my blog. will definately keep coming.

Ankita Mehta said...

Yummy is the word for your blog!!!!! Nice blog!! I stumbled upon your blog through Anand's blog and I must say it is really tempting and yummy!!!!
(Your pic on the blog is also nice!!)